There’s no way books can be banned in Canada just for criticizing Trudeau. It sounds too crazy

I’m here this morning at the Federal Court of Canada.

“Ezra Levant is a human rights activist, journalist and founder of Rebel News Network. He is the author of multiple best-selling books including Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada’s OilsandsThe Libranos: What the media won’t tell you about Justin Trudeau’s corruption, and most recently China Virus: How Justin Trudeau’s Pro-Communist Ideology Is Putting Canadians in Danger.”

For the next eight hours, Ezra Levant (Rebel News) will be on trial for writing a book called The Libranos.

There is an army of lawyers here from the Trudeau government. If they win, they will set a terrible precedent, making it illegal to publish books critical of politicians without first “registering” those books with the government.

Here’s a quick recap: In the 2019 Canadian election, there were 24 books published about Justin Trudeau.

23 of those books were pro-Trudeau or neutral. And then there was my book, “The Libranos: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Justin Trudeau’s Corruption”.

That enraged Trudeau — especially when it became a best seller. So Elections Canada assigned more than a dozen staff to investigate me and prosecute me. They’ve been hounding me for four years. They have already fined me thousands of dollars. And I’ve had to spend $100,000 in legal fees.

But I’ve appealed to the Federal Court. And today is the day that political freedom — and the right to criticize the government — lives or dies.

You might be thinking, “There’s no way books can be banned in Canada just for criticizing Trudeau. It sounds too crazy.”

Let me quote from an official notice I received from the “Manager of the Compliance Unit” of Elections Canada’s censorship branch:

the book title’s reference to “Librano$“, which was clearly designed to create an association between the name of a registered party and The Sopranos, a mafia-themed television show, and to link the party to corruption… drawings of the show’s characters were replaced with drawings of the leader and other public figures of the party.

Seriously. Trudeau’s staff are now deciding what words and even what pictures we can use to criticize Trudeau. He really meant it when he said China’s dictatorship is the country he most admires.

Speaking of which, Elections Canada hasn’t lifted a finger to stop Communist China from interfering in our elections. They’re too busy prosecuting my book.

You might recall that they specially hired two 30-year veterans of the RCMP to go after me — one of whom specialized in counter-terrorism.

Those senior cops interrogated me for an hour. I’ll never forget it: one of their most bizarre questions was to ask me why I didn’t register my book with the government before I published it. I secretly recorded that interrogation — you can watch it here if you haven’t seen it before.

Here’s their theory: they claim that because my book criticized Trudeau, it was campaign propaganda and had to be registered with the government. Even though Canada’s election laws specifically exempt books and the promotion of books. But Trudeau doesn’t care — he is trying to censor the Internet, so obviously he wouldn’t hesitate to censor an old-fashioned book.

I note that not a single journalism organization or civil liberties group has said a word to support me. Amnesty International, PEN Canada, the Canadian Association of Journalists, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association — not one of them has even issued a statement, let alone intervened in court. They don’t believe in freedom anymore — but I do.

Jordan Peterson shows Bill Maher why Justin Trudeau is BAD

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Are you concerned about the growing number of cannabis shops in your neighbourhood?

Are you concerned about the growing number of cannabis shops in your neighbourhood?

You shouldn’t be. The contents of these little shops are helping people of all ages lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. The pills you pick up at the pharmacy without a second thought for yourself and your loved ones may be far more dangerous, and with the monitored and moderate use of THC and/or CBD, you might be able to eliminate some of those monthly prescriptions altogether! Don’t worry about a shop being near a school, as kids can’t see in the door, let alone buy any of the products. And keep in mind that kids have been selling pot to one another for decades- at least this is safe and regulated, and isn’t laced with anything questionable. The “budtenders” are typically well trained, knowledgeable, informative and cautious.

The chemical components of cannabis include CBD and THC. The high comes from the THC, which can help reduce pain, but CBD doesn’t have the high many people want to avoid when dealing with the general public.. It DOES, however, impact the brain, making it function better. More health benefits of cannabis are being discovered all the time, now that governments all over the world are finally realizing how insane it was to criminalize this medicinal plant in the first place. Although research has been allowed, off and on, over the past few decades, the freedom to truly discover the magic of this “weed” is growing, and with it, widespread use and appreciation. There are still haters out there, but that is mainly due to a lack of education, or brainwashing throughout generations of people who wrongfully believe that marijuana is no different than crack or heroin.

Of the chemical compounds in cannabis, the many cannabinoids have been proven to provide relief from chronic pain. The use of medical cannabis is quite effective in many patients who would have otherwise been prescribed opiates, which are highly addictive. For decades, doctors weren’t allowed to prescribe medical cannabis, and those who could benefit from it feared legal repercussions, so they opted for dangerous opiates instead. The misinformation and propaganda that led to the criminalization of marijuana so long ago is likely a big part of the reason there is an opioid pandemic today

Cancer patients aren’t the only ones who can benefit from medical marijuana while undergoing the nausea and loss of appetite that comes with chemotherapy and the pain of radiation. The treatment for hepatitis C has similar side effects that include nausea, fatigue, depression, and muscle aches. Cannabis can help reduce the side effects while making treatment more effective at the same time. There is even evidence to suggest that cannabis can help fight certain types of cancer.

Multiple sclerosis is one of many diseases or disorders that lead to painful muscle contractions. These painful symptoms can be reduced with the use of cannabis. It has been associated with glaucoma treatment for decades, as it helps temporarily relieve the painful pressure on the eyes associated with the condition. The endocannabinoid in cannabis contains anti-inflammatories that don’t only work on the eyes and body, but the brain as well. Diseases like Alzheimer’s, and even aging itself, leads to cognitive degeneration and inflammation of the brain that can be slowed with the use of cannabis. These anti-inflammatories work all over the body, and the use of CBD and THC are effective for arthritis and muscle pain when used internally or rubbed over the affected areas in the form of a cream or balm.

Seizure disorders including epilepsy can be treated with CBD. A growing number of patients and parents of children with extreme and regular seizures are finding that CBD has changed and improved the quality of life for themselves and their loved ones.


Regarding mood disorders,from anxiety and depression, to extreme mood swings as a result of autism, users find that cannabis can help them calm down and control how they feel- the feeling of anxiety that some patients get from use can be curbed by moderating and monitoring the dosage. It is also often effective in sleep disorders. It can help sufferers of ADD/ADHD improve focus and cognitive performance, which is much safer than prescribing drugs that are commonly sold on the street instead of actually used by the patient. In addition, patients with PTSD from various traumas experience a “fight or flight” response when they are triggered. Cannabis calms the individual, preventing the reaction from getting out of control. According to Bone Research Laboratory in Tel Aviv, cannabis actually helps heal bones and helps strengthen the bone in the process of healing, making it less likely for the patient to break the bone a second time.

Addiction- Those suffering from withdrawal, or still tempted to reach for a bottle or a needle to escape the world around them can reach for cannabis instead, which is FAR safer and less addictive. The long-term effects may include a reduction in cravings for riskier substances, as cannabis is effective for nausea and can aid in sleep deprivation.

The list goes on and on…increased lung capacity, help with tremors from Parkinson’s, gut-healing properties, the regulation and prevention of insulin and therefore diabetes and weight gain, and overall FUN in the right environment with a pizza on the way!

Don’t turn your nose up at this incredible plant. Talk to your doctor to see if cannabis can benefit you and your loved ones and then visit your nearest budtender or CBD dealer for guidance, details and relief from all that ails you, mind, body and soul!

story by Melissa Peters, pics / video Paul Murton

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Public Health Canada to Collect Online Data to Target the Vaccine Hesitant

Story From: Noé Chartier is an Epoch Times reporter based in Montreal. Twitter: @NChartierET Gettr: @nchartieret

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Public Health Canada to Collect Online Data to Target the Vaccine Hesitant

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has announced a contract with a social media intelligence collection firm based in the U.K. to obtain data on vaccine hesitant individuals in order to be able to deliver targeted messaging to break through their hesitancy, contract details indicate.

“In preparation for increased vaccination education, promotion, and outreach, The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is requiring the services of a consultant to analyze the vaccine related conversations on social media and PHAC social media initiative and campaign performance,” says the tender notice description posted online on Dec. 22.

The notice says the contract will be awarded to U.K.-based Pulsar Platform if no other supplier submits a bid meeting the requirements before the closing date. The estimated value of the contract is $339,000.

Pulsar describes itself as an “audience intelligence company” using artificial intelligence and “smart human minds” to comb through conversational and behavioural data on social media.

The notice says the consultant will need to analyze Twitter and other online sites and platforms spanning three years of historical data.

PHAC is seeking to obtain information on individuals who are participating in and influencing online conversations about vaccination.

It wants reports produced by the consultant to “provide PHAC an actionable understanding of the vaccine conversation landscape online and the conversation participants, while determining a conversation baseline,” according to the Statement of Work.

Once this data is obtained, PHAC will run a tailored messaging campaign, which it says will seek to target “communities of interest,” such as “indigenous peoples and millennial males,” states the Advance Contract Award Notice.

The study is to be rerun within a three to four month period to “monitor shifts in attitudes and confidence levels,” says the notice.

PHAC lays out how the consultant must conduct its work, including the establishment of a “keyword-based social listening tracker to capture social media conversations around vaccinations in Canada.”

Data must also be parsed along conversation themes such as “experiences with long Covid, previous vaccine side effects, engaging with mis/disinformation, shift in perceived risk of infection.”

PHAC also seeks to obtain a breakdown of reasons for vaccine hesitancy for different regions and cities to allow more targeted messaging.

Along with identifying regions, cities, and subgroups such as First Nations communities, PHAC is also requesting segmentations of key audiences to include “demographics, interests, affinities, online behaviours, and the leading topics of vaccine hesitancy conversation, per each sub-community.”

The Statement of Work provides an example of what the consultant should do once a sub-community has been identified.

It says that once a community of “Toronto University Students that indicate low confidence in vaccinations” has been identified, then some factors should be investigated.

These include their reasons for being hesitant and the topics of their conversations, the media they consume and the content they share, and the tone they use when discussing their vaccination status.

The Epoch Times contacted PHAC to find out if previous such programs have been implemented and to learn more about how the data from private individuals will be protected, exploited, and if it will be shared with other departments.

PHAC was also asked whether it consulted the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) on the program. A response was not obtained before publication time.

The OPC was also contacted to know whether it was aware of PHAC’s social media collection program, but a response was not received immediately.

Cellphone Tracking
PHAC has been embroiled in a data collection-related controversy in recent months when it was revealed it was analyzing the anonymized movement of millions of Canadians through the tracking of their cellphones, unbeknownst to them.

PHAC had been obtaining the data from carrier Telus and other cellphone tracking companies, but in December 2021 it sought a contractor to directly access data from cellphone towers to conduct its analysis.

The data has been used to measure the compliance of Canadians while provinces implemented COVID-19 lockdowns.

When this became known, MPs started examining the issue and the Commons ethics committee told the government last spring that Canadians should be allowed to opt out of the data collection program.

The OPC also said it was investigating the matter, but the results have yet to be announced.

PHAC and the OPC have been asked about the status of the contract and the investigation.


Story From: Noé Chartier is an Epoch Times reporter based in Montreal. Twitter: @NChartierET Gettr: @nchartieret

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What POP Chat Recommends

There is not a lists of any shows recommends by POP on  Chat. (CBC) Had to listen again. Here’s what i got


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90’s show
The Crown

Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2021

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This year, from June 27th to July 18th, ICFF will celebrate two major milestones; the tenth-anniversary edition of the Italian Contemporary Film Festival and the second edition of the Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival, organized in collaboration with CHIN Radio/TV.

The Festival, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will also maintain its special focus on Italian contemporary cinema through notable screenings in several major Canadian cities and virtual experiences offered nationwide through the ICFF digital platform.

Both festivals will take place at Ontario Place in Toronto and in several other cities throughout Canada, including Vaughan, and Montreal.

The ICFF Festival will be a hybrid of in-person and online events available to viewers all across Canada.

The festivals are presented in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in Canada, the Consulates General of Italy in Canada and the Istituti Italiani di Cultura in Canada.

Hazel: 100 Years of Memories

Hazel: 100 Years of Memories
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Virtual Fashion Art Toronto : urbancoolab_

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Virtual Fashion Art Toronto : urbancoolab_

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by @jennjevons from @urbancoolab_ showcasing their AI x Streetwear capsule collection RxR under the Gardiner @thebentway



Director @_vanjavasic_
Director of Production @liammicha
Assistant Director @locodrito

Lead MUA Direction @bprettymua
Lead Hair Direction @lisatuff_tilu
Makeup Assist @stephaniestellamua
Makeup Assist @makeupbyjacfoo
Hair Assist @jazziestylezz
Fashion and Media Communicator @sedgvvick
Team Assist @erin_case_ @kaitlyn.riccio

Director of Photography @jennjevons
On-Set Photography @jimorgill @chiaradefalco_photo
Official Video Team @wearenxtlvl
BTS Video @cosplay