Canadian Officials’ Twitter Accounts Flagged by US State Department

Canadian Officials’ Twitter Accounts Flagged by US State Department

Twitter accounts used by the Canadian government have been caught in the U.S. government dragnet attempting to counter online disinformation, a recent iteration of the so-called Twitter Files released by journalist Matt Taibbi reveals.

Taibbi published a new thread on Jan. 3 which provides further details on how the U.S. government and its agencies interacted with Twitter to pursue its agenda. Internal company files are being released since Elon Musk took over in late October.

Taibbi’s latest thread is labelled “Twitter and the FBI ‘Belly Button,’” in reference to the bureau asking Twitter whether it should be the main point of contact between “industry partners” and the U.S. government (USG).

The mention of a Canadian link was in relation to a campaign by the U.S. State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) to counter Chinese propaganda.

The stated mission of the GEC is to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation that runs counter to U.S. interests.

“When the State Department/GEC – remember this was 2020, during the Trump administration – wanted to publicize a list of 5,500 accounts it claimed would ‘amplify Chinese propaganda and disinformation’ about COVID, Twitter analysts were beside themselves,” wrote Taibbi.

“The GEC report appeared based on DHS [Department of Homeland Security] data circulated earlier that week, and included accounts that followed ‘two or more’ Chinese diplomatic accounts. They reportedly ended up with a list ‘nearly 250,000’ names long, and included Canadian officials and a CNN account.”

Taibbi provided screenshots of purported internal conversations of Twitter staff related to the GEC request.

Senior legal executive Stacia Cardille sent an email to policy director Nick Pickles on May 7, 2020, providing “transmittal information” from the State Department.

“We are providing these 5,500 accounts that display inorganic behavior and follow two or more of the 36 Chinese diplomatic twitter accounts that we have identified in the report,” reads the message.

“Due to the fact that these accounts follow two or more of these diplomatic accounts, and a good portion of them are newly created, we believe they are suspicious.”

The State Department did not request any action to be taken on those accounts and said the information was being shared for “situational awareness.”

Previous iterations of the Twitter Files have shown U.S. government agencies requested the social media company take action against accounts sharing information on COVID-19 which diverges from the U.S. government’s view or that related to the elections, with ensuing censorship in many cases.

Later on May 7, 2020, Pickles commented in an email to an unidentified interlocutor on the GEC request.

“I am assuming that the policy/comms folks on their side [USG] haven’t reviewed the list line by line, so curious how they’d react if told their analytics colleagues had included the Canadian military and CNN…” he wrote.

Twitter Pushback
The day after receiving the information from the State Department, Twitter was pushing back in the media on the claims that its platform was being used to spread Chinese disinformation.

CNN reported Twitter as saying that an initial review of the over 5,000 accounts did not support the government’s claims and that many accounts belonged to “government entities, nongovernmental organizations, and journalists.”

“The GEC provided Twitter with a small sample of the overall dataset that included nearly 250,000 accounts,” a State Department spokesperson told CNN, adding that it’s “not surprising that there are authentic accounts in any sample.”

“Our overall analysis is based on a confluence of factors that drive our assessment, which we stand by.”

Then Twitter head of safety Yoel Roth commented in an email to colleagues on May 6, 2020, that the GEC “blitz” on the issue was “at least in part an attempt to insert themselves into the conversations we’ve had with DHS, FBI, ODNI [Office of the Director of National Intelligence], and others.”

A month later, Roth emailed Cardille and others saying that Twitter, Facebook, and Google found the involvement of the GEC in a meeting between industry and government on election security problematic.

He said this was in part because of the GEC’s “mandate for offensive IO [information operations] to promote American interests” and their sharing of reports “based on shaky methodology.”

Taibbi’s thread also highlighted the GEC’s attempt to counter Russian disinformation, noting a report it released in February 2020.

“The GEC flagged accounts as ‘Russian personas and proxies’ based on criteria like, ‘Describing the Coronavirus as an engineered bioweapon,’ blaming ‘research conducted at the Wuhan institute,’ and ‘attributing the appearance of the virus to the CIA,’” he wrote.

Taibbi said this report “still led directly” to some media picking up the story.

Noé Chartier

Noé Chartier is an Epoch Times reporter based in Montreal. Twitter: @NChartierET Gettr: @nchartieret

Censorship Facebook 2020 Twitter Censorship

Censorship Facebook 2020 Twitter Censorship


There is no shortage of debate regarding the Coronavirus. Are masks really effective? Are the statistics realistic or inaccurate? Is this a virus that can be spread through the air or just through vapours? Or is it not in the air?


This is a pandemic that is affecting the entire world. Of course we’re going to talk about it and of course we’re going to disagree about it. One thing is true though. Without information and education we are never going to get rid of this thing. Without knowing what’s going on or how prevalent the virus is, we are never going to be able to flatten the curve or help prevent more unnecessary deaths.


So why is it that Facebook and Twitter are stopping us from having these discussions? If you so much as mention COVID-19 on Facebook you are immediately blocked from posting, and accused of false information. Even if you say “My grandmother died from Covid today”, they tell you it is false information. They don’t know if your grandmother was perfectly healthy, or if she had your mother when she was 16 and she’s only in her fifties now. They don’t know if she had a physical 6 months ago and passed it with flying colours. All they know is that you mentioned COVID-19 so you must be wrong. 

Sharing TRULY false news isn’t particularly admirable, and can have serious consequences, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t share opinions and research. The president of the United States says false and misleading things all the time. The only time he ever gets CENSORED though, is when he mentions COVID-19. The powers-that-be that censor the internet have no problem with him saying horribly racist stuff or ‘grab her by the p****!’, but even HE is not allowed to comment on COVID-19.


None of us should automatically believe anything we read online regardless of topic. We should fact-check and we should do research before we share anything that we are unsure about. That being said, we should be allowed to share SOMETHING about COVID-19, considering how much it’s affecting our day-to-day lives! 


Some of the most horrific events in human history have taken place because of a lack of information, a lack of understanding, and sheer ignorance. When it comes to a pandemic that is killing people all over the world, the last thing society needs is to be SILENCED. How do you feel about the censorship around the virus? Send me an email at Melissa@ with your own experiences and opinions. If all of us tell Twitter and Facebook that we want the freedom to talk about this very important topic, maybe they will stop censoring us.


With that in mind, I’m not even sure why I’m writing this article. It’s probably going to be censored and nobody is going to be allowed to read it!

Yes This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6%

Yes This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6%


If you visit this link, you will find that the statistical analysis of Covid-19 death rates is pretty open to interpretation. According to the Center for Disease Control, only 6% of deaths could be directly related to COVID-19. The remainder included patients who had other underlying health conditions with an average of 2.6 conditions in addition to having contracted COVID-19. Studies have shown that COVID-19 does affect the respiratory system, but if somebody already suffers from respiratory distress, the virus is going to hit them much harder, potentially leading to further damage and, in some cases, death.

There are a number of underlying conditions listed beside the patients who were said to have died from COVID-19, including diabetes and heart problems. Having an underlying health condition increases the chances of complications and death when one contracts viruses like COVID-19, the flu, or even the common cold. While the pandemic is certainly not helping people who already suffer from health problems, this data shows that the statistics could be misleading. These people aren’t necessarily dying from the virus. If the virus didn’t exist then maybe a lot of these people could have made it another year or another decade. But we will never know that. It is a sad fact that this virus is essentially going around the globe and eliminating the weak and the sick. Natural selection at its cruelest.

As with anything Covid-related, this recent article by the Center for Disease Control has the potential to spark much debate. But, if medical professionals and disease experts want to comment or debuke claims like this, they have to be given access to this information and study it! I’m sure people have questions and opinions, but if we’re not allowed to share it, we’re never going to get the answers we want.

Nuit Blanche: End Of The World

The “Museum For The End Of The World” that you will find in various locations around the city, predominantly around Toronto City Hall and the City Hall grounds itself, is an artistic expression focusing on Doomsday and end-of-the-world prophecies.

To quote artist Barr Gilmore “One of the greater ironies of human existence is the persistent anticipation of its end. Dates are named and dates pass. Ancient texts are read with an eye to temporal alchemy, and whether the result of monster waves, unstoppable pandemics, nuclear calamities, machines on the rampage or the sun ceasing to shine, the idea of Doomsday – that revelatory moment of the end of the world – can be at once the fire of speculative lamentation and the spark of insightful creativity.”

Indeed, the link between creativity and the apocalypse has a long history, from Noah’s shipbuilding and organizational skills to the literal bean counters buried deep beneath the mountains of Norway, stockpiling all the seeds across the globe for a post-apocalyptic garden. In this way, the very idea of the Wunderkammen, with its princely mission of amassing, cataloguing, and displaying was fueled by a fear of the end of the world. “Museum for the End of the World” at Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2012 is a provocative, critical rumination about the end times and a world in transition.

Acclaimed Toronto-based designer and artist Barr Gilmore RCA MDes has created an environmental graphic design for the “Museum for the End of the World”.

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